Everyone feels sad or blue on occasion, but if these feelings of depression last for longer than two weeks, and if they are accompanied by other symptoms like feelings of hopelessness or guilt, this could be clinical depression. Approximately 25% of Americans suffer from depression at one time in their lives. In addition to feeling depressed, these people often report feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt, and they feel tired and slowed down. Sometimes they also report feeling keyed up or agitated. Depressed people often lose interest in things that used to interest them or bring them pleasure, they have trouble sleeping or find they are sleeping all the time, and they often have trouble thinking or concentrating. Some people suffering from depression find they have lost weight without trying. Some report recurrent thoughts of death or suicide.
If you would like to be considered for a research study, and you live in the Baltimore-Washington area, please complete an interest form or call our office at 410-768-2629.
For more information you can visit Mental Health Net at www.mentalhelp.net or the American Psychiatric Association at www.psych.org.
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