Migraines are characterized by severe, recurrent headaches with symptom-free intervals. These headaches are often unilateral (occur only on one side of the head), throbbing, relieved by sleep and worsened by activity. Patients also usually suffer from nausea and/or a sensitivity to light (photophobia) and sound (phonophobia). Migraines are often accompanied by an aura, which is a visual, sensory, or motor sensation prior to the onset of pain. Migraines are more common in women and in people with a family history of migraines. The exact causes of migraines are still poorly understood.
If you would like to be considered for a research study, and you live in the Baltimore-Washington area, please complete an interest form or call our office at 410-768-2629.
For more information you can visit the Migraine Awareness Group: A National Understanding for Migraineurs (MAGNUM) at www.migraines.org.
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