The term schizophrenia refers to a collection of disorders that have similar characteristics but different causes. The primary symptom of schizophrenia is a distorted thought pattern, and some suffer from hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that are not really there). Some schizophrenic patients suffer from delusions (like the belief that other people are spying on them, controlling them, or plotting against them). Schizophrenic patients often react in inappropriate ways and are withdrawn from family and friends. Although these symptoms can appear suddenly during stressful situations, the usual course of schizophrenia is gradual. Approximately 2 million Americans suffer from schizophrenia.
If you would like to be considered for a research study, and you live in the Baltimore-Washington area, please complete an interest form or call our office at 410-768-2629.
For more information you can visit www.schizophrenia.com, Mental Health Net at www.mentalhelp.net, or the American Psychiatric Association at www.psych.org.
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